Massumi & Associates
Providing Physiatric Treatment
(Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist)
Physiatry - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physiatry - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - is the specialty of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders

With an aging population around the globe and the prevalence of chronic musculoskeletal and neuromuscular illnesses the need for long-term medical services conducive to functional independence and pain management remains significant.

The treatment of chronic pain syndromes in particular - commonly associated with chronic disabling illnesses - is complex and multi-faceted. It requires a multidisciplinary approach directed by a physician who will coordinate physician and allied health services effectively. A Physiatrist (specialist in Physiatry - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) is best suited to address such complex multidisciplinary care.

Dr. Massumi has a thirty-plus year experience in Physiatry and Pain Management serving Maryland– he provides both diagnostic and therapeutic musculoskeletal and neuromuscular services. The following are examples of conditions that he treats:

Back pain and lumbago
Neck pain and headaches
Spine pain and arthritis
Joint pain and arthritis
Sciatica and pinched nerves
Nerve root disorders
Disc and facet disorders
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Nerve entrapments
Myofascial Pain syndromes
Neuralgia – including trigeminal

Many other chronic pain disorders are also treated.

Treatments include interventional ( Prolotherapy, Neural Prolotherapy and other injection therapeutics, etc.) and non-interventional ( medications, etc.) protocols as well as recommendations for complementary and alternative medicine and or integrative options. As noted above treatment suggestions may include multidisciplinary engagements to facilitate an earlier and more robust recovery.

Please see our ‘Contact’ page to call or e-mail us; You may also e-mail or call 410-825-5905.
660 Kenlworth Clinic
Baltimore, Maryland
Metropolitan Office

660 Kenilworth Drive, Ste 200
Towson, MD 21204
National Capital Area
Metropolitan Office

15201 Shady Grove Road, Ste 102
Rockville, MD 20850